One particular track near and dear to my heart is my testimony song, entitled “Love Found Me.” I performed this song with bandmates Brian MacLean (bass) and Nate Lavoie (drums). Matt Goss, from LCBC Church in Lancaster, PA, produced it. Matt and I had met through a mutual friend, and this was our first project together, created in 2004.
Through all of these band experiences, I have been blessed beyond belief. It’s been truly incredible to be able to meet so many amazing people! It always encourages my soul to interact with brothers and sisters from many different walks of life who are striving to live their lives for Jesus. I have been amazed to see and hear that my music has inspired some to do great things for God. What an extreme honor!?! It’s always a breathtaking experience when God faithfully expands our horizons. He is able to do far more than we can ask, think or imagine!
(The blog you've just read is actually an excerpt from JJ's new book which will be released shortly.)