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Oh You Can

This blog-post is dedicated to a song I spontaneously recorded last spring and eagerly placed on the Closer Walk album called "Oh You Can."

"Oh You Can" is most definitely a song about God. Go ahead and click below.

Writing this song was pure joy! Perhaps one of my most inspiring moments in the studio ever, I wrote this song in less than 5 minutes. As a matter of fact, what you hear in this recording is exactly that. It's me writing the song, "Oh You Can" on the spot! I am making up a song from beginning to end without editing, rewriting or filtering.

Reaching somewhere deep within my soul I meditated on all my struggles and simply sang a song of worship to God. I guess it was inspired by "Low Enough" because as I finished recording it my hands just wanted to keep playing. I felt the moment, let it roll and ended up with "Oh You Can" as a result.

At just the right time where it seemed a verse should start... all of the right words were just suddenly there for me. In the past, when this would happen, I would stop in awe and wonder at where it was all coming from but this time I kept focus. It was time for my soul to speak freely without intervention or interruption from my mind. Over the years I've learned this is the key to improvisation... not thinking to much. Letting deep call to deep in a sense.

All kinds of emotions hit me all at once as this song was flowing.

Everything we had been through in the previous year. Our travels. Our longings. Our disappointments. The loss of our precious baby Tikva Beauvais in a miscarriage at 11 weeks. My soul continued to sing. Healing began to flood my heart as more words came. Strong and steady honest worship overtook my voice for the another minute and then another until I had nothing left to add. The secrets of my heart were laid bare in this song. It's why I placed it on the album. I don't expect this song to ever become a top 10 or a number one hit but that's the beauty of it.

Can you relate to the words I'm singing? When I don't have the strength... God does! When I am completely lost and bound and cannot set myself free... God can!

Come to think of it, I don't think I actually wrote this song but merely uncovered it. I suppose it was already settled into my spirit before I even began to play. I love how powerful the expression of music can be that we can use it to tap into the longings of the soul from time to time. Anyways, I hope you have been as blessed to listen to this song as I have been to uncover it. Thanks so much for reading and please feel free to share.

May God richly bless you!


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